How To Compost At Home

Composting is a fantastic method to cut waste and produce soil rich in nutrients for your garden. Whether you have a large backyard or a small apartment, there are many different methods on how to compost at home. This article will cover the basics of composting and provide step-by-step instructions for starting your compost pile or bin.

What is Composting?

Composting breaks down organic matter, such as food scraps and yard waste, into nutrient-rich soil. Composting happens naturally in nature, but by controlling the compost pile or bin conditions, you can speed up the process and create compost much more quickly.

An excellent method to cut waste and benefit the environment is to compost. Rather than discarding food scraps and yard refuse, you can turn them into a valuable resource for your garden. Composting also aids in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by diverting organic waste away from landfills, where it would otherwise decompose and emit methane.

Getting Started – How To Compost At Home

Before you start composting, choosing a location for your compost pile or bin is essential. Your compost pile should be placed in a shady spot with good drainage. It should also be easily accessible for adding materials and turning the compost.

If you have a large backyard, you can create a compost pile directly on the ground. A compost bin can keep your compost pile contained if you live in an apartment or have a small yard. This method is often called “backyard composting” and is an excellent option for people with plenty of outdoor space.

Choosing a Compost Bin

Many compost bins are available, ranging from simple homemade containers to more advanced commercial models. When choosing a compost bin, consider the size of your household and the amount of waste you generate. A larger trunk can accommodate more debris but may also take up more space.

Some popular types of compost bins include:

  • Tumbling composters: These are designed to be turned or rotated, which helps to speed up the composting process. They are usually made of plastic and come in various sizes.
  • Worm composters: These use worms to break down food scraps into nutrient-rich soil. Worm composters are great for people living in apartments or with limited outdoor space. They are usually small and compact and can be kept indoors or outdoors.
  • Wooden bins: These can be quickly built using basic woodworking skills and materials. They are typically made of untreated wood and come in different sizes and shapes.
  • Plastic bins: These are affordable and easy to use and can be purchased at most garden centers or online. They are usually made of recycled plastic and come in different sizes and shapes.

Starting your Compost Pile – How To Compost At Home

Once you have chosen a location and a compost bin, it’s time to start your compost pile. 

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Add “browns” to your compost pile. Browns are carbon-rich materials like dried leaves, straws, and cardboard. These materials help to balance the nitrogen-rich “greens” that you will be adding later.
  2. Add “greens” to your compost pile. Greens are materials that are high in nitrogen, such as food scraps, grass clippings, and coffee grounds. These materials will provide the nutrients that your compost needs to break down.
  3. Add water to your compost pile. It should be moist but not dripping wet. Aim for a consistency that is similar to a wrung-out sponge.
  4. Mix your compost pile. Use a pitchfork or shovel to mix the materials in your compost pile. This will aid in the aeration of the pile and the breakdown of organic matter.
  5. Continue to add materials to your compost pile. As you generate food scraps and yard waste, add them to your compost pile. Add an equal balance of browns and greens, and mix the pile regularly to ensure that everything breaks down evenly.

Maintaining your Compost Pile

Maintaining your compost pile is pretty straightforward, but you can take a few steps to ensure it stays healthy and breaks down efficiently.
Here are some tips:

  1. Keep your compost pile moist. Add water as needed to keep the pile moist but not too wet. If your compost pile dries out, it won’t break down properly.
  2. Turn your compost pile regularly. Turning your compost pile every few weeks will help to aerate it and promote the breakdown of the organic matter.
  3. Avoid adding meat, dairy, and fats to your compost pile. These materials can attract pests and take longer to break down. Stick to vegetable scraps, fruit peels, and yard waste.
  4. Keep your compost pile covered. A cover will help retain moisture and heat, speeding up the composting process.
  5. Use your compost when it’s ready. Spread it around your plants and watch them thrive! Once your compost is dark and crumbly, it’s prepared to use in your garden.

Troubleshooting Common Composting Problems – How To Compost At Home

If you run into problems with your compost pile, don’t worry – most issues can be quickly resolved. Here are some common problems and solutions:

  1. Your compost pile smells terrible. This usually means that it needs to be wetter or that there are too many greens in a pile. Add more browns to balance out the pile, and mix it well.
  2. Your compost pile needs to be fixed. This could be due to a lack of oxygen, which can happen if the pile is too compact. Turn the pile to aerate it, and add more browns to create a looser texture.
  3. Your compost pile has attracted pests. This can happen if you add meat or dairy products to the pile or if the pile needs to be covered. Stick to vegetable scraps and cover the pile to keep pests away.


Composting is a simple and rewarding way to reduce waste and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. Whether you make a backyard compost pile or use a worm composter in your apartment, the process is easy, and the benefits are many. You can start composting at home by following the steps outlined in this article and reap the many benefits of this eco-friendly practice. Happy composting!